Fact-Checking the "PRT Boondoggle" Blog
A project of the PRT NewsCenter

Friday, July 10, 2009

Another PRT milestone is his millstone

Editor's note: We continue beta-testing the change to one of the oldest editorial policies of "PRT is a Joke" IS A JOKE. For a limited time, The Name of the Minnesota anti-PRT propagandist will be shown -- although special formatting will be used.
This week has brought another embarrassment to Ken Avidor's attempts at technology clairvoyance.


the fine print in the BAA press release says that the [Heathrow] project depends on "agreed milestones being achieved.". [sic] It is highly unlikely that ULTra-as-PRT will pass these milestones. Source


World's first Personal Rapid Transit System bursts onto scene at Heathrow

At Heathrow the world's first Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) system reached a significant milestone this week as the system was officially handed over from construction to operational testing on Tuesday.

The event was marked with the vehicle bursting through a paper screen before parking itself in the dedicated bay.

Workers on the innovative £25 million project assembled at the PRT station in the Terminal 5 business car park to celebrate the next step in the project as it moves from construction to operational testing.


As the British say, "Spot on, Ken!"


Ken Avidor lives in a mayonnaise jar on Funk & Wagnall's porch

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