Fact-Checking the "PRT Boondoggle" Blog
A project of the PRT NewsCenter

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Down Low

Ken Avidor hates Personal Rapid Transit to such a degree that it was pretty much inevitable he would eventually link PRT to Krazy Eyes Bachmann's just-launched campaign for the Resmuglican 2012 presidential nomination. That moment has arrived  -- four days ago.

Just ONE blog post (http://goo.gl/SxykI), Ken? Just ONE tweet (http://bit.ly/lg8kJq)? Still obsessed but, basking in the retweets of your sensible Bachmann news, you know you have to keep your PRT smears on the down low -- so you blog and tweet it on a Sunday afternoon?

Smart for once, Ken, since this is how many retweets it has received: http://goo.gl/tsxSq

Which is none.  People don't buy your anti-PRT disinformation war, not even with a 140 character limit.

Of course, the official PRT Is a Joke IS A JOKE! response is: "Will reporters ask Michele Bachmann why she & 4 other GOP agreed with 13 Democrats on PRT? (http://goo.gl/jGPEq)"

Also in that post: Ken Avidor scored a Double-Ego!

Alsø alsø wik:
Peter Muller (@prtguru) transcribes tweets about Heathrow pods at http://is.gd/s4tMZLHow can that be called "breathlessly"?


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